Business Strategy Tutorial:

Developing the Buyer’s Journey for Your Business

FREE Lesson

Think about how you make a purchase—the research you do, the engagement and evaluations you have with companies prior to that purchase. Just like you, your customers go through a similar process before purchasing a product or service. This process is called the buyer’s journey. Before making a purchase and becoming a customer, a person will go through the buyer’s journey as they make their way toward a purchase. Every potential buyer is focused on identifying their problem, understanding what options could alleviate their problem, or comparing their top choices when they're ready to make a purchase. By understanding your buyer’s journey, you can help give those prospects the information they need to move towards making a purchase. In this lesson, learn how to develop a buyer's journey for your business.

  • 2 Videos
  • 1 Quiz
  • 19 min
  • Inbound Sales
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Inbound Service
Lesson description
The buyer’s journey is the active research process someone goes through leading up to a purchase. It's a fundamental part of an inbound strategy because it’s a framework you can use to understand your buyer’s needs and provide the information they need to reach their goals.

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Photo of Courtney Sembler

Courtney Sembler

Courtney hails from San Francisco, CA, and moved to Boston, MA to work for HubSpot in 2015. She currently works as the Senior Team Manager for HubSpot Academy Education dedicated to leading the inspiring and passionate Inbound Professors. She was a previous Inbound Professor focused on email marketing, GDPR, and contact management. She is devoted to education, environmental programs, and a true email geek.

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