HubSpot Data Import Tutorial:

Importing your data Into the HubSpot CRM

FREE Lesson

Learn how to import your data into the HubSpot CRM.

Available languages
  • 6 Videos
  • 23 min
  • Contact Management
  • Contact Management
  • Contact Management
Lesson description
In this lesson, you’ll learn the pre-import steps for organizing your data and preparing it to be imported. You’ll also learn how to import that data into the HubSpot CRM and how to find errors that might occur during this process. You’ll then import your data with a practical exercise.

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Photo of Courtney Sembler

Courtney Sembler

Courtney hails from San Francisco, CA, and moved to Boston, MA to work for HubSpot in 2015. She currently works as the Senior Team Manager for HubSpot Academy Education dedicated to leading the inspiring and passionate Inbound Professors. She was a previous Inbound Professor focused on email marketing, GDPR, and contact management. She is devoted to education, environmental programs, and a true email geek.

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